Thursday, November 20, 2014

Unpacking "God Made Girls"

Okay, so I just heard the song for the first time and I want to get my first-blush response down. I know nothing about RaeLynn that I didn't learn from watching the video, so I have no reason to malign her as a person. I mean, yeah. When she sings she sounds exactly like the “dumb girl” voice I do that makes my mom crazy, but that's a critique of her lack of talent, not her character.

However . . .

God made girls to make boys get dressed and clean up and go to church?? God made girls to flirt and wear cute clothes??

“Something beautiful and breakable that lights up in the dark.”

Fuck you.

Now, I'm certain that most of us ladies have done one or more of these things at one time or another. I don't want to traduce the “girly” girls for being a certain way. All girls are real girls, whether they wear pretty skirts or not. Shit, I'm from Seattle – lots of the boys wear pretty skirts, too. If that's your genuine personality, you go!! But to intimate that girls were put upon this earth by some deity specifically to do these things?? Make him wait for us to get cute, “drag” him around, pressure us to have sex (“flirt” but “put up a fight”), I have to call bullshit. I think the song was meant to be sweet and innocent and cute, but it's really destructive.

I guess now that Taylor fucking Swift has come out of the feminist closet, straight, white, Christian, conservative Nashville needed a new it-girl; someone non-threatening that could drive home the message that girls were not meant to be self-sufficient or complete or okay unless they're straight, white, Christian, and conservative.

I usually avoid YouTube comments, but the ones attached to this monstrosity of a “music” video are doozies. Things like “who said anything in this song that's sexist??” Or, according the geniuses on YouTube, “sexest,” “sextest” or “sexiest.” Were we listening to the same song??

Just an aside, fellow feminists, but maybe that's where the movement has gone wrong all these years?? Some people don't know the difference between “sexist” and “sexiest.” Maybe they're not misogynists at all?? They're just dumb as a bag of hair.

I kid. Anyway . . .

Maybe I'm just old and bitter and gross, or whatever, but this fucking song is sexist. Saying in no uncertain terms that God made girls for boys is inherently sexist. That we were put on this earth to keep them clean and straight and to be “fragile” and their passenger - “singin' in the front seat” - smacks of patriarchy. I'm of the school of thought that a young woman can be flirty and pretty and wear a dress while being intelligent and funny and cool, but the song doesn't mention any of the latter. Some of us aren't soft. Sometimes when we're “loud” we're doing something other than crying and berating the men for not holding the door. Once more, none of these options are on the proverbial menu. The song doesn't say that God made girls to read books or sit in the driver's seat or go to law school. It's all about how we're here to be sweet and soft and fragile and difficult and to take care of our men. Those are lovely things, but that's not all we do as women, is it?? Ever?? That doesn't mean that every girl that doesn't go to law school is any less of a woman, but the song paints us into a corner. God made girls to do these simple-minded, silly little things. Don't get me wrong, y'all: some of the smartest, most hard-working, sass-mouthed women I know are SAHMs, conservatives and proud wives. But that's not all they are. God didn't put them here on earth to be decorations or nannies to their men.

It's pretty fuckin' degrading to everyone to assume that men need women to make them want to clean themselves, is it not?? Men are capable human beings. They can feed and dress themselves and get themselves to church of their own accord. I think that messages that they can't are why I know so many grown women that say things like, “oh, he's just a dad. He doesn't know anything.” Women with smart, educated, successful, nice, caring husbands can't be expected to remember to pick up their children from school, or to wear clean clothing because he's just a dude?? You have got to be kidding me. That is such a vile, condescending idea to sell anyone, especially young people. It does appear to explain to me, to least on surface level, the right-wing talking point that gender equality is bad for women. If they can instill the idea from childhood that women are meant to do these things and men are meant to do those things and everything else is against God's plan, well, then the conservatives are rescuing all the sweet, soft damsels in distress from the evil feminists that believe everyone is capable of choosing his-or-her life path and should be able to do so. 'You don't want to go out there into the world by yourself, sweet girl. Stay home. Look cute. Take care of your man. If you don't you're not only disappointing God, you're a militant ball-buster.' It's taken me a long time to even be able to get from point a to point b on that one. Believe me, without a map to follow that logic I became disoriented more than once. I still can't comprehend how or why that's a good thing. Hey, if you believe that God made you to be the way girls are described in this song, then that's all gravy. Yo go, girl. What I cannot get behind is the idea that it's how your God made all girls to be. I don't accept that.

I'm not always sure about the whole God thing, but I'm sick to fucking death of hearing how those of us that don't fit into this demarcated category are somehow doing it wrong.

God made girls to wear pink. And black. And sweat pants. And swimwear.

God made girls to argue and get loud, be opinionated – not just in the home but in the world. Vote. Teach. Run for office. Raise kids. All of the above. None of the above, if that's what blows your proverbial dress up. Hell, be Wendy Davis and wear a pretty skirt and pink running shoes while filibustering for hours.

God made girls “for dancin' to our own beat.” Ours. Whether that's bubblegum country or punk rock is for us to determine, with or without God and definitely without paternalistic condescension.

I can't wait for the parodies of this song, and I really can't wait until the drag queens get a hold of it. God's 'bout to tell everyone, “I'm 'bout to rock your world.” Because God also made gurls.

Place that in your narrow mind and stretch it, y'all.

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