Sunday, October 7, 2012

Math Illiterate

I’m just going to put this out there because I’m tired as hell of hearing it. Hopefully I can rally and not have to take another math class as long as I live, hence not have to hear from other people about it.

Yeah, I share on Facebook and Twitter how nervous math makes me. I share how I hate it, it’s boring, I don’t understand it, and it sucks. I don’t like it. I don’t get it. And in reply I get a bunch of responses about how good other people are at math. It’s easy. Seriously. Just do this, this this, this, and this other thing. Have you heard of this?? Did you try this?? Maybe if you this?? I’m really good. Maybe I can help you.

No, I’ve never done or heard of any of that. Obviously I suck at math because I just crawled out from under a fucking rock yesterday. I have textbooks and resources. I have amazing people who have tried in earnest to help me. What I do not possess are the skills to cram an entire textbook, of which I have the loosest grasp on the one before it, in five weeks.

If that makes me a fucking moron, than I suppose I am a fucking moron. But the next time you decide that the correct reply to someone telling you that they’re struggling is to tell them how great you are at what they are struggling with, take a look at your face in the mirror and then punch yourself. If I went around telling everyone I know who struggles with writing how great I am, that would make me an insensitive asshole.

Think about that for a minute.

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