Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Seethe Sometimes.

I don’t know why I did it. Sometimes commenting on other people’s political status updates is a suicide mission, because there’s usually someone out there who is going to shut you down. As my step-dad (jack Mormon, misogynist, child abuser) used to say “I’m right, you’re wrong, that’s it.” There is no room for discourse: “Truth hurts,” as one gentleman said online this evening, in reply to a FB friend’s post I was commenting on. By truth he meant his opinion, but talking to anyone about the difference between fact and opinion is all but useless. Anyway, this comment was in response to my saying that I could not in good conscience vote for Ron Paul, or any candidate who is anti-choice. One fellow brought up the idea of “monolithic voting,” which is certainly valid, but if an issue is important one should certainly not vote against one’s own interest, and as a woman reproductive freedom pertains to me on a number of levels.

This other man (the truth hurts guy) says, and I quote, “the country > your uterus.” He goes on to say that if I choose to have sex, not if a woman chooses to have sex, but “you” then “you” are responsible for “your” choices. Certainly, sir, but your candidate, Dr. Paul, is actively in favor of taking those choices away.

Incidentally I, meaning me, do not have sex anymore. (Stay tuned) I appreciate the possibility of the assumption that I must be pro-choice because I hate babies and men and all child-bearing women and I’m obviously a huge slut that doesn’t want to be responsible for myself. I admit, he didn’t say it, but it’s been suggested before, so I’m going with it. Join me, won’t you??

Choosing not to have sex for the time being is in part a health issue, at this point, as I have HPV. I’m well aware that something like 80% of sexually active adults have it, but 80% of sexually active adults are not currently paying for the cancer screenings I do not, nor have I ever, had any sort of coverage for. No government funding, no sliding scale, no friends or family helping me out. The cost for my next biopsy will come directly from my pocket, as did my last, and will likely land me into collections when I can’t make the minimum payment every month. As did my last. So, yes. I am actively responsible for my reproductive health, to the best of my ability, and to the best of my ability that means not having sex until I get this latest cervical cancer scare under control.

Because that is what I’m dealing with right now.

Ain’t no one payin’ my damn medical bills. Not the guy from whom I contracted HPV who accused me of cheating on him, which I did not do. At no point did either of us have visible warts, or it might have been an indication to stop and investigate. I can’t speak for his ass, because I left him a long time ago, but I still don’t. So when people say “warts” like they’re these big and green and oozing, nasty things, they’re not. Incidentally, this guy told me he tested negative for HPV. If he’d actually seen a doctor then he’d know that there is no HPV test for men, but I think he was more interested in accusing me of being slutty than acknowledging that he and I may have a problem. But that was enough for him to convince himself that I was cheating on him, which is what’s important sometimes.

I had sex as a teen, and I got pregnant. I don’t have to tell you how that turned out: she’s fourteen. My parents’ insurance dropped me the moment the stick turned pink. I went to clinics and found out I could have an abortion for free or cheap, but if I were to continue my pregnancy (which is another hot-button political issue, still) I would have no reasonable, healthy choice than to go on state-funded medical for the duration. So I did, and when the duration ended, so did my health care. I was eighteen. I’ve gone without ever since, mostly because I’ve been a reasonably healthy person with a small income and a child to raise. 10% of my income is not a reasonable cost for out-of-pocket health care benefits, and with some of my crappy jobs it’s been more than that if benefits were offered at all. I’ve dealt with being a teen mom and I think I’ve done a good job, for the most part. I did what the political right wanted me to do, which is not have an abortion. Then what?? I was thrown to the wolves, as far as health care is concerned. Other than not having an adequate income to cover my health issues, what have I done that is irresponsible?? Not get married?? Let’s not open that can of worms, shall we?? Another topic for another time; let’s just say I’d be divorced by now. Further shame!! By not getting a better job?? I know people who haven’t been out there honestly believe that jobs are plentiful and abounding, but they’re not. “Just take any job you can get.” I’ve tended bar, sold lingerie, waited tables in a strip joint, done laundry, cleaned houses. Are these the “any job” to which you were referring, because they took me away from my young child, placed me in the hole for childcare expenses that I accrued during my working hours, did not pay my bills, and did not offer benefits. So how does ‘taking any job’ benefit me, or anyone other than the predatory guy who grabs my thigh and tries to lick me while I bring him drinks at the titty bar??

I know, I know. You’re a young, white guy and Ron Paul looks fabulous from where you’re sitting. Reproductive health issues are a “women’s issue,” and thereby not something you feel invested in. Dr. Paul will “force” providers to lower their costs. No indication of how, considering as of right now even low-income clinics can’t slide their scales low enough to fund treatment and stay in business. It’s a lovely proposal, but I think it’s one that most people want to believe they don’t or won’t have to think about. I do, and I have, and I believe the solution is far more complicated than the ‘haves’ are even remotely aware of. Shoot, it’s more complex that I’m aware of am I ‘have-not.’

People concentrate on issues that affect them; that’s a no-brainer (as they say). Reproductive health and health care benefits (in any form) affect me whether others feel like my individual uterus, or whether or not I have cancer and can afford treatment, is important or not. I don’t expect to change anybody’s mind, but we all should be voting for our interests, not those of politicians or corporations or ideologies, and my interests are not necessarily those of privileged, white 20-year-old males who are more concerned with legalizing marijuana than the health of women and families.

And I say that without too much malice, because I’m in favor of legalizing it, too. But it’s another story for another time, again.

But when some random dude says I need to be responsible for myself when I have sex?? Thank you for your judgment, but to the best of my ability I already am.


  1. Don't talk to my father until this shit is all over. I can't escape him, but you can save yourself the "Ron Paul is about changing the conversation!" speech. I have told you how these conversations end. It's not pretty. Then again, the entire political situation in this country makes me want to jump off a bridge. I would just leave the country, but I don't have money for that either. It's very sad when suicide seems like the only viable option.

  2. HAHAHA I adore your dad. I don't always agree with him, but I like him very much. He does like to get political, though. I've found myself kind of hanging back listening to him saying "hmm, I've never heard that before," or "that's interesting." Like we talk all the time.

    I think Ron Paul does have some interesting ideas, but in the end I find a lot of them to be thinly-veiled intolerance, racism, and misogyny. Repro freedom is important enough to me that I cannot vote for anyone who signed the Personhood Pact, no matter how many of these bs provisions he says he's in favor of. Anyone who wants government to be small enough to be in control from inside anyone's uterus will not have my vote. End scene.

    I'm all on board for some expatriation, at least for a while. Things are effed, including most of my life right now, and there is a great, big world out there that I would luuuurve to see. Where do I sign up??
